
Power Outage - Resu...
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Power Outage - Results of Powerwall

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Harlan Thrailkill
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FYI ... We had our first power outage with our new solar panel/Powerwall system on September 6 right at dusk. It lasted 2 hour and 57 minute, so I guess it is a pretty good test of the Powerwall's capability. The result was that our Powerwall was drained by about 4% per hour. I didn't even know the power had gone out until my Tesla app notified me. We had lights, refrigerator, internet, 2 TVs, 1 computer and ceiling fans in use. But I had turned off our A/C, stove/oven, hot water heater, washer and dryer at the breaker to be safe since this was our first outage and I didn't know how long it would last. Our Powerwall had a 30% charge when grid went down (minimum I had previously set) and it dropped to 17% over the nearly 3 hours of the outage. Consequently, I have reset my minimum to 40%, so I have a hypothetical 10 hours of back up now. We only have 1 Powerwall and I'm strongly considering whether adding a 2nd Powerwall might be a good idea so I can have A/C and can cook. Overall I was very happy. 
